In an effort to streamline and ensure a fair and equitable development review process, the Corporation of the Town of Essex has consolidated its development requirements in this Development Manual.
A Development Standards Manual (DSM) is both a technical and business process manual intended to provide clarity for developers, contractors, engineers, and designers when submitting development plans and construction documents to the Town of Essex. It defines the Town’s expectations and requirements for new developments and assists with streamlining the development process.
View Full Development Standards Manual
*This manual will be updated from time to time, and any suggestions on improving this document should be forwarded to the municipality. The dates of the revisions are noted at the bottom of each page and in the Revisions Section of this manual. You should confirm with the Corporation of the Town of Essex that you have the most up-to-date revision prior to making use of the contents of this manual.
Development Services
519-776-7336 ext.1400Infrastructure Services
519-776-7336 ext.1145
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