Caregivers of free-roaming cats and low-income families with dogs and cats may be eligible to receive assistance through the Town's Spay and Neuter Voucher Program.
The program accepts applications for spay and neuter vouchers from eligible Essex residents who are at least 18 years of age and a resident of the Town of Essex for at least one year. Vouchers are issued on a first-come, first-served basis and are available at Essex Town Hall (33 Talbot Street South, Essex Centre) and the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre (243 McAfee Street, Harrow Centre).
Caregivers of free-roaming cats may apply for up to a maximum of three vouchers. Low-income residents may apply for one owned dog and one owned cat.
Vouchers are valued at $200 each (inclusive of Harmonized Sales Tax) and can be used at participating veterinary clinics in Windsor and Essex County.
To help slow the growth of colonies of free-roaming cats in the municipality, Council has also approved a Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) program. The intent of the program is to reduce the feral cat population in our communities, along with the nuisance behaviour associated with feral cats, such as yowling, fighting and spraying.
Residents wishing to report the presence of free-roaming cats can contact the the Town of Essex at 519-776-7336 ext.1100 or 1101.
To request a spay-neuter voucher application, residents may contact Town Hall at 519-776-7336. For Harrow, please call 519-776-7336 ext. 1124 to make an appointment.
A feral cat is the offspring of lost or abandoned pet cats or other feral cats that are not spayed or neutered. Feral cats are not accustomed to contact with people and are typically too fearful and wild to be handled. They do not easily adapt or may never adapt to living as pets in close contact with people.
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