For those residents who own or plan on acquiring a non-traditional pet, you should be aware that the Town does prohibit certain animal species through the Animal Care and Control By-Law 1966.
Prohibited animal species include animals that:
a) are venomous or poisonous and whose venom or poison is medically significant to humans or domestic animals;
b) pose a real or potentially hazardous threat to humans, domestic animals or farm animals;
c) pose a real or potentially hazardous threat to the local ecosystem;
d) are cited in the Control List as published by the Canadian Wildlife Service of Environment Canada;
e) are listed in Schedule “B” of Animal Care and Control By-Law 1966, which list may be revised from time to time; and/or
f) are prohibited or controlled by federal or provincial legislation.
By-Law 1966 does not prohibit bees as defined by the Bees Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. B.
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