Trees, benches, and picnic tables are important in our community as they provide our green spaces with shade and offer a place to enjoy nature. The Memorial Program encourages people to celebrate a loved one’s life or special occasion by purchasing a tree, bench, or picnic table to be placed in a town park.
You may request a location for the tree, bench, or picnic table. Trees must be placed in a location with sufficient space, also keeping in mind interference with:
The Director, Community Services, working in consultation with Parks and Facilities staff, will assist you in identifying an appropriate location.
Each bench includes an engraved plaque with a short message and the name of the donor or honoree. You may also adopt an existing bench.
A donation of $1500 covers: purchase, installation (including cement pad), maintenance, and an engraved plaque.
Each tree includes a tree tag, a standing plaque with a short message, and the name of the donor or honoree.
A donation of $500 covers: tree purchase, planting, maintenance, personalized aluminum tree tag, and standing engraved plaque.
The Town will provide the planting service, installation and maintenance of all program related items.
Applications for memorial trees are accepted year round. For both the health and survival of the tree, planting will take place in either the spring or fall season, at the discretion of the Director, Community Services.
Each table includes an engraved plaque with a short message, and the name of the donor or honoree.
A donation of $3000 covers: purchase, installation (including concrete pad), maintenance, and an engraved plaque.
To request a memorial tree, bench, or picnic table, please complete the online form. A member of the Community Services Team will contact you to fulfil the request.
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