Before you plan an evening of fireworks, please contact Essex Fire and Rescue at 519-776-7336 ext 1060 to discuss the requirements.
By-Law Number 2011 provides more information on the regulations regarding the sale and use of fireworks in the Town of Essex.
A person in the possession of fireworks must be at least 18 years of age and fully aware of applicable legislative requirements at all levels of Government, with regards to the discharging of fireworks.
In accordance with the municipal by-law and the Explosives Act, the sale and use of firecrackers is prohibited within the Town of Essex for the safety of all residents.
Flying lanterns, also known as sky lanterns, are small paper hot-air balloons that can lift to great heights when a heat source at the base of the lantern is ignited. Once released, there is no control over where the lanterns travel or where they land. To prevent unnecessary fires, the sale and use of flying lanterns is prohibited in the Town of Essex.
The use of family fireworks is only permitted in the Town of Essex on the following dates:
The use of family fireworks is permitted on each of these dates between dusk and 11:00 p.m., with the exception of New Year’s Eve which is permitted between dusk and 12:30 a.m. the following day.
Family fireworks are only permitted to be used on your property or with permission from the owner of the property being used, with a fire extinguisher ready for emergency access in the immediate area.
If you wish to use family fireworks for a special occasion on a date not permitted above, permission must be obtained from the Fire Chief by completing the Special Event Approval for Family Fireworks Form and sending it by email to
If Display (High-Powered) Fireworks and/or Pyrotechnic Special Effect Fireworks are to be used, you must submit an Application for Fireworks Display Permit at least 15 calendar days prior to the proposed date of the event, along with the following items:
Additionally, Display Fireworks and/or Pyrotechnic Special Effect Fireworks must be set off under the supervision of a qualified Fireworks Supervisor/Pyrotechnician. An operational fire extinguisher must be ready for immediate use during the event.
The sale of fireworks is only permitted in the Town of Essex on Victoria Day, Canada Day, Independence Day (U.S.A.), Civic Holiday, Labour Day and New Year’s Eve, and for a period of 10 days before each of these designated dates.
Retail sales of family fireworks from detached storage units or tractor/trailer units outside of a building must be located at least 6 metres from any combustible material, at least 6 metres from any building or other temporary retail outlet, and at least 3 metres from any vehicle parking. Approval from the Fire Chief must also be received by completing the Temporary Fireworks Retail Outlet Approval Form and sending it by email to
For more information, please contact:
Fire and Rescue Services
Essex Fire Station #1
55 Alice Street, Essex, Ontario, N8M 1C6
T. 519-776-7336 ext 1060
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