A Crossing Guard’s job is to stop traffic temporarily to allow students to cross safely as they go to and from school on a daily basis. Our Crossing Guards are valuable and dedicated employees with the safety of the children as their first priority.
Crossing Guard services are provided by the Town of Essex and are administered through the Clerk’s Office.
Crossing Guards are placed in strategic locations to service schools within the Town. They work scheduled shifts, which are specifically coordinated with school bell times in the area where they are stationed.
To ensure your child has a safe trip to and from school, learn more about your Crossing Guard’s schedule, when they arrive and when they leave.
Instruct your child to cross key intersections only with the Crossing Guard. Children should not jaywalk or cross on their own.
If your child rides a bicycle or uses a skateboard on the way to school, remind them that the Crossing Guard will advise them to walk, not ride across the street.
Adults and high school students are encouraged to set a good example by obeying the Crossing Guard as well.
Under the Highway Traffic Act, Crossing Guards are authorized to stop vehicles for the safe crossing of schoolchildren.
Motorists can help to provide a safe traffic environment by obeying the Crossing Guard, stopping and parking properly, keeping clear of driveways and the crossing location, and generally being aware of children in the immediate area.
If you are interested in becoming a Crossing Guard, please check out our Employment page.
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