Our civic pride shows! Here are seven ways in which we continue to be clean and green:
Garbage and Recycling: We're serious about recycling. Find out more by checking out the Recycling, Garbage and Yard Waste Collection Calendar published by the Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority.
Idling Reduction Tips: You can make a difference! Help build a healthy community by taking small steps to help improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It starts with your vehicle.
Snow Removal: We do our best to ensure that roads and designated sidewalks are cleared in a timely manner.
Street Trees: We plant and maintain street trees to beautify our community and contribute to cleaner air quality.
Water: We are committed to providing safe drinking water to residential and commercial customers.
Weed Control: Our By-law Enforcement Officers respond to complaints about property standards, including long grass and non-noxious weeds. Our Weed Inspector responds to complaints about noxious weeds.
Community clean-ups bring neighbours, colleagues, young and old together for a common cause - cleaning up our community. They provide an opportunity to see how a small act for a short time can have a great impact. When people get involved in their neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces, they are less likely to litter - and more likely to keep it clean.
If you are interested in organizing a community clean-up in the Town of Essex, please complete the online form at the link below to request free bags and gloves.
The Town of Essex is also taking steps to address the environmental changes impacting our community.
A climate change action plan, one part of a comprehensive Sustainability Master Plan, is intended to transition us into a more sustainable way of managing our human and capital resources and providing community services in a manner that will help us to address the negative impacts of climate change.
In 2019, the Town also launched the Essex Climate Adaptation Team, a group of local citizens and stakeholders who will provide direction and input on a Climate Impacts Adaptation Strategy. Learn more about the team at the links below:
Ontario's Green Energy Act requires municipalities to report their energy consumption and greenhouse emissions for each municipal facility. The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan prepared by the Town of Essex includes goals and objectives for conserving and reducing energy consumption and managing demand for energy.
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