Carl and Rita Hulme, owners of Bilmey's British Store in Essex Centre. Their location has been ideal for attracting new customers and tourists touring the area. Checking out some other cool shopping experiences that the Town of Essex has to offer.
Centrally located in the heart of Essex County, the Town of Essex is a hub of retail activity. With two thriving retail hubs in both Essex and Harrow Centres, our municipality is a strategic location for your business. Whether you need the square footage to accommodate a big box store or are looking for a quaint location in one of our urban centres, we have the perfect space for you. Plenty of free parking, combined with the relaxed pedestrian-friendly downtown cores.
An intensive downtown beautification strategy, financial incentives for business owners combined with the support of the Business Improvement Area and Chamber of Commerce is attracting a number of new destination retailers and property developments.
Specific opportunities exist in fashion, housewares, specialty foods, outdoor recreation, as well as entertainment and other retail that complements the destination ambience of our unique downtown centres.
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