For entrepreneurs looking to start a business or enhance their current services, there are many funding opportunities available across Ontario. Business support programs offer a range of grant opportunities to enhance the digital presence and technology of small businesses. Below are a list of current active funding opportunities available to small business owners in the Town of Essex.
Get up to $2,400 to grow your business online.
Looking to implement e-commerce capabilities to remain competitive? Need to serve existing customers more effectively and attract new customers? With a micro-grant of up to $2,400, we can help with the costs related to adopting digital technologies.
Get up to $15,000 to boost your business technology
Looking to increase productivity? Need to consolidate your back office software? Need better cybersecurity tools? With a plan tailored to your business, we can help with your digital transformation.
ShopHERE creates online stores for independent small businesses and artists at no cost.
The Digital Transformation Grant (DTG) program is designed to assist small businesses with adoption of technologies. The program will provide training, advisory support and grants to brick-and-mortar small businesses looking to increase their capacity through digital transformation.
Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (R.A.I.S.E.) is a service and grant program developed and administered by the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas (TABIA), the Ontario Business Improvement Area Association (OBIAA) and in partnership with the Parkdale Centre for Innovation (PCI) to support Indigenous, Black and other Racialized entrepreneurs in Ontario to start and scale a business. R.A.I.S.E. will provide access to business development training, culturally responsive support services and access to grant funding. The program is funded by the Government of Ontario.
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