The Town of Essex Heritage Grant Program builds on the community's desire to improve heritage preservation efforts and is meant to serve as an incentive to preserve built and cultural heritage resources.
Eligible owners of property designated under the Ontario Heritage Act within the Town of Essex may apply for grants to assist with the repair or restoration of built and cultural landscapes. Grants are also available to assist with the cost of retaining a professional design service. Development permits commonly associated with restoration work may also be eligible for refund under the program. All grants are subject to program requirements.
Detailed information about the program and individual grants can be found in the Heritage Grant Program Implementation Strategy.
Pre-consultation with the Planning Department is required before submission of an application to ensure eligibility, the availability of funds, and to determine the required information to process your application.
A complete list of designated properties can be found on our Heritage Tour page.
Further information on the designation process and additional heritage programs administered by the Town of Essex can be found on our Heritage Planning page or by contacting the Planning Department.
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