The Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI ECA) is a new process governed by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks (MECP). This approach is meant to streamline and modernize the ECA application process for municipalities, developers, and the ministry while ensuring consistent requirements that improve environmental protection are met.
Like the former ECA process, developers and their engineering consultants must complete the following application package(s) to seek approval from the Town of Essex under the new CLI ECA process governing the municipal sewage collection and stormwater management systems. Applications will also be reviewed for eligibility under the Town’s Stormwater CLI ECA and Sanitary Collection CLI ECA as higher risk infrastructure will still require individual Environmental Compliance approval applications from the MECP.
The following applications must be completed by the developer and their engineering consultant for the applicable infrastructure alteration.
Application Packages
CLI ECA Pre-screening |
- Pre-Screening must be completed as part of the submission for Draft Plan Approval.
- The application fees are noted in Essex’s most recent Fees and Charges by-law.
- If the application is deemed to be reviewed and approved through the CLI ECA process, the fees collected from the Pre-Screening Application Fee will be used as a credit towards the CLI Application Fees.
- If the application is required to be escalated to MECP for review and approval, the CLI ECA Pre-Screening Application fee will not be refunded and MECP ECA Application process would be applicable.
Sanitary System Alteration Application |
- Application for Sanitary Collection Alteration (CLI ECA)
- The CLI ECA Application must be completed during detailed design review of development proposals which require CLI ECA approvals. This may include, but not limited to mainline sewer and services, stormwater management facilities, pumping stations, and any associated appurtenances.
- All applications and sanitary works must conform to the Town’s approved CLI ECA approval number 029-W601.
- The application fees are subject to Essex’s most recent Fees and Charges by-law.
- Sanitary Alteration Forms
Stormwater System Alternation Application |
- Application for Stormwater System Alteration (CLI ECA)
- The CLI ECA Application must be completed during detailed design review of development proposals which require CLI ECA approvals. This may include, but not limited to mainline sewer and services, stormwater management facilities, pumping stations, and any associated appurtenances.
- All applications and stormwater works must conform to the Town’s approved CLI ECA approval number 029-S701.
- The application fees are subject to Essex’s most recent Fees and Charges by-law.
- Stormwater Alternation Forms
Water Alteration Application |
Additional Documents and Resources