The Committee of Adjustment is responsible for holding hearings under the Planning Act regarding minor variances from the Town's zoning by-law, changes in non-conforming use, and applications for land division (separating a new lot, adding land to an existing lot).
The Committee is comprised of five members of the public who are appointed by Council. Monthly meetings are open to the public and anyone may attend to discuss a particular application. The Committee hears submissions, discusses concerns, and makes a decision. Committee approval may come with attached conditions.
View the proposed Terms of Reference.
The Committee of Adjustment generally holds hearings on the third Tuesday of each month. Hearings are held only when there are applications ready for consideration.
View meeting dates, agendas and minutes for this committee on our Council Calendar.
Learn more about Committee of Adjustment issues at the following five links:
All applications to the Committee of Adjustment must be reviewed by the Town Planner prior to being accepted for consideration.
Public notice is also required. All property owners and known tenants living within 60 metres of the specific property must be notified and invited to attend the Committee of Adjustment meeting at which the application is being considered.
Generally, the Committee meets monthly. An application must be submitted and accepted as complete a minimum of five weeks in advance of the scheduled meeting.
Please contact to arrange for a pre-consultation meeting with the Secretary Treasurer of the Committee of Adjustment to discuss your application prior to submission.
The Planning Act provides for public appeal of a Committee of Adjustment decision, subject to specific rules of appeal. Only the applicant, persons who addressed the Committee concerning the application at the scheduled meeting, or persons who provided comments in writing beforehand or during the meeting may appeal a Committee decision. On written request by those who made representation to the Committee, a notice of decision is mailed to the address given. The notice provides potential appellants with information on the appeal process.
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