By-Law 2237 establishes an Appeals Committee of the Town of Essex with quasi-judicial functions and the jurisdiction delegated by Council to (among other things) hear and determine all applications made, proceedings instituted, and matters brought before it and for such purpose to make such orders, give such directions, issue such approvals, deny, or vary applications, and otherwise do and perform all such acts, matters, deeds, and things as may be necessary or incidental to the exercise of its powers. In accordance with By-Law 2237 the Property Standards Committee is the Town of Essex Appeals Committee.
The Appeals Committee has the authority and power to:
The Appeals Committee shall have the authority and responsibility to:
To appeal a Property Standards Order to Remedy, you must complete the Notice of Appeal to Property Standards Committee Form. There is no fee to appeal a Property Standards Order to Remedy.
All Property Standards inquiries or concerns are to be directed to By-Law Enforcement by email or by phone 519-776-7336 ext. 1409.
The Appeals Committee shall be delegated the powers and duties to hear and determine appeals in accordance with the following By-Laws:
By-Law |
Fee |
Animal Care and Control By-Law No. 1966 |
No Fee |
Kennel Licensing By-Law No. 2221 |
$304.80 |
Short-Term Rental Unit By-Law No. 2025 |
$152.40 |
Taxicab Licensing By-Law No. 1052 |
$304.80 |
Fortification By-Law No. 2210 |
$304.80 |
Tree Management By-Law No. 2205 |
$304.80 |
Administrative Monetary Penalty |
No Fee |
To appeal a provision of the By-Laws listed above, you must complete the Appeal Request Form.
Completed Appeal Request Form will only be accepted by mail or in person to the Town of Essex, Legal and Legislative Services, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, ON N8M 1A8.
Appeal Requests will not be processed without payment of the applicable fee. Cheque or money order is to be made payable to the Town of Essex.
The Appeals Committee shall be delegated the authority to hear and grant exemptions from the following By-Laws:
By-Law |
Fee |
Pool Fences By-Law No. 314 |
Collection, Removal & Disposal of Waste By-Law No. 320 |
$304.80 |
Fences By-Law No. 384 |
$304.80 |
Water Conservation By-Law No. 485 |
$304.80 |
Firearm Discharge By-Law No. 1070 |
$304.80 |
Loitering & Nuisance By-Law No. 1194 |
$304.80 |
Fireworks By-Law No. 2011 |
$304.80 |
Noise Control By-Law No. 2038 |
$304.80 |
Signs By-Law No. 2167 |
$847.43 |
Development Standards Manual (DSM) |
$304.80 |
To submit and exemption request to a provision of the By-Laws listed above, you must complete the Exemption Request Form.
Completed Exemption Request Form will only be accepted by mail or in person to the Town of Essex, Legal and Legislative Services, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex, ON N8M 1A8.
Exemption Requests will not be processed without payment of the applicable fee. Cheque or money order is to be made payable to the Town of Essex.
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