Adaptation to climate change is about becoming more resilient. It is taking action to reduce the impacts of climate change on built, natural and social systems, while taking advantage of opportunities that arise from climate change.
Mitigation is action aimed at minimizing the effects of human-made global warming by reducing greenhouse gas sources and emissions.
Climate change impacts for Southern Ontario are likely to affect a variety of systems in the Town of Essex, from physical systems like drainage and water treatment, to ecological systems like the wetlands and the composition of the Great Lakes.
Even with mitigation efforts, some changes are inevitable. Greenhouse gas emissions will continue to cause the Earth to warm and the changes associated with this warming will be felt for decades to come. The need for adaptation is becoming undeniable as municipalities encounter the impacts of a changing climate.
Mitigation is necessary to prevent the long-term impacts of a warmer planet. Without interference, the consequences of climate change would likely overwhelm adaptation efforts.
The Town of Essex has implemented several adaptation and mitigation strategies to combat the impact of climate change on our community:
Southern Ontario is experiencing more extreme heat. As a result, the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is monitoring temperature and humidex from April to October to identify potentially dangerous heat days.
Stay Cool Windsor-Essex informs the public of extreme heat days, as well as providing tips for staying cool.
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