The Town of Essex Sign By-law regulates the erection and posting of signs on public and private lands in the municipality.
By-law 2167 recognizes and regulates traditional forms of signage, along with more modern forms of advertising media.
The intent of the by-law is to prevent the proliferation of unregulated signage within our community and to set standards that balance our pride of community with the needs of our businesses and organizations. The by-law seeks to balance the often conflicting goals of maintaining a good community image and allowing businesses and organizations to convey their messages.
Most signs placed on private lands require a sign permit. Permits are not required for certain signs such as yard sale or home occupation signs that meet the size limits identified in Section 5 of the By-law. For the full listing of signs that do not require permits, please see Table 2 of Schedule "A" of the by-law.
The by-law prohibits the posting of private signs on public lands without permission from Council. Private signs posted on public land and public utilities, such as street lights and utility poles, can be removed by the By-law Enforcement Officer without giving prior notice.
If you are a business, corporation, institution or organization that wants to advertise or identify yourself through signage, the Sign By-law applies to you. Before you order or begin construction of your sign, please contact the Town to discuss your sign and any regulations that will apply.
If you are a sign contractor, it is important to familiarize yourself with the Sign By-law and permit process so that you can provide accurate information to your clients.
Where does Council authority to pass a sign by-law stem from? |
Council is authorized under Section 11(3)7 of the Municipal Act, 2001 to prohibit or to regulate signs, other advertising devices and the posting of notices. By-law 2167regulates the location, size, number, construction, alteration, repair, maintenance and replacement of all exterior signs and other advertising devices, temporary or permanent, on all lands, buildings and other structures within the Town of Essex. |
When is a sign permit required? |
With the exception of specific types of signage, a permit is required before any sign is erected, displayed, altered or repaired. |
Where can I obtain a sign permit? |
A permit for a sign, if not prohibited under Section 6.0 of the Sign By-law, can be obtained from the Town of Essex Building Department, located at 2610 County Road 12. The Building Department can also be reached at 519-776-6476. |
What does a sign permit cost and are additional materials required? |
The fee for a sign permit is $100 plus a $500 indemnity deposit. For larger projects, such as commercial pole signs, a $10 charge per $1,000 cost may also apply. The Town will require two sets of drawings and specifications for the sign, a plan to scale showing the location of the sign on the property, building or other structure, and, if requested by the By-Law Enforcement Officer, structural drawings that have been stamped by a Registered Professional Engineer. The fee for a temporary sign permit is $25. A temporary sign permit will be valid for up to 30 days, after which time the sign must be removed from the property or a new temporary sign permit is acquired. Not more than 4 permits will be issued to the same business per calendar year and there is a limit on the number of temporary signs permitted on the same property at the same time. Find the temporary sign permit application form online at the following link: Temporary Sign Permit Application Form. |
Are there signs that do not require a sign permit? |
Yes. Table 2 of Schedule "A" of the Sign By-law provides a list of signs exempt from a permit but still subject to specific regulations. Historical interest plaques, home occupation signs, yard sale signs and some special event signs are included on the list of signs exempt from a permit. |
Are signs permitted in all zoning districts? |
It is important to note that the regulations governing signs va21671350 for information regarding permitted signs in their respective districts:
Does the by-law prohibit certain signs? |
Yes. A list of prohibited signs can be found in Section 6.0 of By-law 2167. Amongst other things, it includes for example flashing signs, illuminated portable signs, and roof signs. In addition, Section 7.0 of the by-law prohibits any sign, whether temporary or permanent in nature, from being placed within a public right-of-way without the authorization of Council. |
Can I place a small sign on a utility pole or road sign directing people to my yard sale? |
No. You cannot place signs on a public right-of-way, including trees, public utility poles, street lights, road signs or similar structures. Section 7.0 of the Sign By-law also prohibits securing small signs to the ground on a public right-of-way without the authorization of Council. Please Note: Signs placed on a public right-of-way may be removed without notice. |
What if my sign does not meet the applicable requirements? |
By-law 2167 allows Council to consider and approve a sign that does not meet the applicable requirements, either through site plan control approval or by application by the proponent for a modification or exemption. See Section 18.0, of the Sign By-law regarding the Sign By-law amendment application process. |
What offences and penalties are associated with violating By-law 2167? |
If your sign violates the by-law provisions, you may be ordered to remove the sign. Failure to comply with the order may result in a fine and the payment of legal costs upon conviction. By-law Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcing By-law 2167. For further information regarding offences, penalties and enforcement, please refer to Sections 4.0 and 17.0 of By-law 2167. |
What happens to impounded signs? |
If made of durable materials, signs will be removed to the By-law Enforcement Office. Sign owners may be notified, but it is not a requirement. If the owner is known or clearly identified on the sign and the sign is impounded the owner will have 45 days to recover the sign. Signs will be released to the owner upon payment of an impoundment charge of $150 plus costs. If not recovered within 45 days, the By-law Enforcement Officer may permanently dispose of the sign without further notification. |
Where can I find further information on the Sign By-law? |
If you have questions about sign permits or impounded signs, please contact the Building Department at 519-776-6476. |
Can I erect a Billboard Sign? |
A billboard sign requires site specific approval by Council. Schedule “B” to the Sign By-law sets out a series of guidelines established by Council for the consideration of site specific applications for the erection of a billboard sign. |
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